I was immediately turned off from Artificial; Intelligence (AI) when trying to listen to the upcoming spoilers on Days of Our Lives.
I know, how trivial and I do agree, however as someone buried under life-long learning—I need daily escapes that Netflix’ cooking and baking shows. Although they are an educational and entertaining way to veg. However, I only have two humans, it is obvious the others are computerized by their static voices and poor altered pronunciation of common names for characters and the town and hospital.
First, I will share the Pros, there is only one and it is silly:
>>When I searched for where to see the fourth episode of Reba’s Happy’s Place a quick AI scan had me in the right direction in under ten seconds.
>>That is all I can find.
Secondly, there are at least three cons:
>>It can easily produce plagiarism in papers from high school and college students known for their nefarious attempts to get good grades.
>It will put unnecessary pressure on professors to find these egregious plots.
>>It could be used by sketchy reporters in newspapers and tabloids. The latter should be banned from the grocery store stands in the check-out lines. My sister’s mother-in-law truly believed them to be the truth.
>>The horror if reports in country hosting shady characters creating potential outbreaks of turmoil and woe.
>>It distorts pronunciation on Days of Our Lives. Salam-Sah-lum, Dimera=Dim-er-ah, Niichole=Nickel, Chanle=channel, Mr. Black is renamed Mr. Dark. Hospital becomes sanitarium. Fine, none of this is important but it annoying when I need silly diversions. Inset a huge sloppy smile.
How about you? Any thoughts either way? Please share in the comments and perhaps write your own discourse and please tag me. Thanks readers, I love all of you.
It concerns me for reasons that you laid out in the academic world and in journalism. But also its effect on the human spirit and our relationships. People are developing AI "boyfriends" and "girlfriends". It should not and cannot be allowed to replace human connection, ingenuity, or creativity. It does not have a soul and in a world that already struggles with soul loss that concerns me.
Well visioning you eating a bowl of mung beans and watching Days of our Lives was enough to make me chuckle.
AI has its pros and cons like any new technology. We have to give it boundaries however..
It’s is written that Atlantis was destroyed due to extensive use of technology. People in power took advantage of it.
Hey we have nuclear bomb capability yet we are still here, so I’m not worried.
The future- guess we will have to see!